Hues of AlUla

Dwelling in the Oasis of Cultural History carries the responsibility of immersing inhabitants in its majesty. With breathtaking landscapes nearby, dwellings should offer views of Al’Ula’s colors. The sanctuary allows reflection, marveling at nature’s splendor. The farm dwelling integrates with the rich context, respecting rural heritage. Inspired by mud walls, it blends into the landscape. Indoors and outdoors merge, enhancing the serene atmosphere. Residents engage with surroundings, creating unique experiences. Drawing on Al’Ula’s legacy, the dwelling challenges conventional ideas, acting as picture frames to transport residents into history.

AlUla, Saudi Arabia

2,000 Sq.M

Design Team
Sameep Padora, Sudarshan Venkataraman, Deebak Tamilmani, Sadhvi Vanjare

Year of Completion
