(de)Coding Mumbai

(de)Coding Mumbai 18 Graphical Case Studies of the City’s Building Codes Year2018 PremiseBuilding Codes Link to ExhibitionsIF.BECEPT Housing within a city constitutes the majority of its built form. The quality of housing defines the image and qualitative experience of a city. Despite this obvious connection, state housing policies and the consequent regulatory frameworks often prescribe […]
de(Coding) Mumbai

AuthorsSameep Padora, Shreyank Khemalapure EditorsAayushi Joshi, Tanushree Agrawal PhotographerPhilippe Calia, Sunil Thakkar PublisherCEPT University Press Publication Date25th March 2023 About the book (de)Coding Mumbai documents the development of Mumbai’s housing fabric through the evolution of building and development codes. From the first regulations emerging as a panacea for the plague of 1896 to building codes […]