Memories of Landscape

The 7mx 3m exhibit ‘Memories of Landscape’ for Hampi Art Lab, at the Bienal de Arquitectura, Buenos Aires, 2024 showcased the story and context of our recently completed project the Hampi Arts Lab.
Projective Histories

Projective Histories LocationTU Delft, Netherlands DateFebruary 11 – March 01, 2019 ResearchIn the Name of Housing This exhibition documents and analyses historic types of low income housing in Mumbai and presents their projective capacities. The exhibition opens at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture in the Netherlands and is accompanied by a lecture where the firm’s […]
The State of Architecture: Practices and Processes in India

The State of Architecture: Practices and Processes in India LocationNGMA, Mumbai DateJanuary 06 – 20, 2016 ResearchIn the Name of Housing In the Name of Housing was installed to coincide with the The State of Architecture: Practices and Processes in India held at the NGMA, Mumbai, between 6 January and 20 March 2016 under the […]
(de)Coding Mumbai

(de)Coding Mumbai LocationIFBE, Mumbai, India DateJune 11 – 25, 2022 Research(de)Coding Mumbai The megacity of Mumbai is on the verge of another paradigmatic shift in the ways its urban form will be produced and that will have serious implications on livability and the working of the city. One of the key actors in this shift, […]
Seoul Biennale – Projective Histories

Seoul Biennale – Projective Histories LocationDongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul, South Korea DateJuly, 2019 ResearchIn the Name of Housing Invited to participate in the Collective City themed Seoul Biennale SBau 2019 by Director Francisco Sanin and Curator: Beth Hughes, we curated a mini section of Indian Practices for the Cities Section as well as installed the […]
(de)Coding Mumbai

(de)Coding Mumbai LocationLilavati Lalbhai Library, CEPT, Ahmedabad DateApril 15 – July 17, 2023 Research(de)Coding Mumbai (de)Coding Mumbai is a study presented as an exhibition and documented as a book. Through 18 case studies, it documents and attempts to analyze the trajectories of Mumbai’s building codes and the development of Mumbai’s housing fabric. The exhibit traces […]